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Daeryun’s competitiveness


Why we are confident in all legal concerns

More than 20years of experience
20 member TF team
AIBig Data Judgment
Analysis Debate
More than 550people Expert이동Legal counsel for more than 4,000 individuals and corporations every month이동
First half of 2024 19,230 cases of resolution이동2.5x more than industry average Selected Specific Attorneys이동 Resolved with just one appoint이동
Most in the country
39 offices 이동
365 days,
24 -hour consultation and
emergency response
A reasonable fee the introduction of a reconnaissance system이동Built with trust Customer satisfaction이동
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More than 20 years of experience ㆍ 20 members of the TF team

You can communicate directly with a veteran lawyer during counseling, investigation, and trial.

  • A lawyer with more than 20 years of average legal experience who served in the court, prosecution, and police is in charge of the case
  • TF team consisting of 3 to 20 lawyers, depending on the customers situation and the size of the case
  • Solicitors put my case first and support detailed answers
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AI Big Data Judgment Analysis Debate

Legal insights transformed with AI, Read the pattern of the judgment and give you an accurate solution.

  • Develop an artificial intelligence judgment analysis program in cooperation with Korea's top AI software company
  • Machine learning based on the case accepted by Daeryun and through extensive lower court rulings obtained by himself
  • Maximize winning chances by predicting the flow of customer cases based on data analysis results
  • In addition, a quick response method is derived by managing legal risks of corporate customers in advance and establishing preliminary strategies
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More than n experts

There's no incident that Daeryun hasn't experienced. For just one customer, a number of experts work together to find a solution.

More than lawyer_n professional lawyers by field

  • Court, prosecutor, and veteran professional lawyer with police experience provide know-how
  • Up to 20 professional lawyers in business, criminal, civil, and household affairs form a team

Constant brainstorming of lawyers for optimal solutions

  • A system in which all 3 to 20 lawyers in charge of the case participate in meetings to find answers
  • All lawyers in charge will discuss at each stage of the case, including counseling, writing, and hearing
  • Lawyers from all over the region meet face-to-face and live video conferences to create customized solutions for customers

Collaboration between accountants, tax accountants, patent attorneys, and labor attorneys

  • Joint review of cases by experts in special fields such as accounting, tax, patent, labor, etc
  • Collaborate quickly with experts from Daerun to provide solutions
  • Completely eliminate the hassle of requesting a separate company
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Legal consultation with more than 4,000 individuals and corporations every month

A thoroughly analyzed database of litigation is the secret to the high winning rate. Now it's your turn to win.

  • Litigation database of approximately 24,000 consultations by sector in the first half of 2024 ※8,532 cases of civil affairs, 7,893 cases of detectives, 5,510 cases of divorce and household affairs, 2,083 cases of corporate and administrative affairs. 2024.1.2~2024.6.29 aggregate)
  • Analyze litigation DB to quickly derive responses that are appropriate for customer situations
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Cases of resolution of 19,230 cases in the first half of 2024

Get the case right, get the case closed quickly Let's correct the wrong "first button".

  • Consultation is conducted by a professional lawyer at the same time as the inquiry is received
  • Multiple lawyers review one client's case and quickly fill it out in writing to reduce litigation time
  • A lawyer assists with each case-specific procedure, including investigation, trial defense, settlement, and mediation
  • Proposed a plan to rediagnose and correct the proceedings of other law firms
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Certain lawyers have been chosen 2.5 times more than the industry average

Being a specific lawyer is not easy. It is accompanied by a specific lawyer who has been verified through detailed examination by the Korean Bar Association.

  • A specific lawyer who has dealt with civil, criminal, domestic, and administrative cases more than 2.5 times the average number of appointments
  • More than 60 cases on the main issue and more than 120 cases on the application were accepted, providing a complete insight into the flow of the case
  • A law firm with the largest number of certain lawyers recognized by the Korean Bar Association
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Solve with a single appointment

Don’t look for experts in each field separately. Our experts in accounting, patents, labor, evidence investigation, and security will be with you.

  • Appointment of experts affiliated with Daeryun, such as accountants, tax accountants, patent attorneys, labor attorneys, etc
  • Evidence is collected by our own professional investigators, including former police lawyers and qualified detectives
  • Restore deleted data with the latest equipment owned by the group and use it for pleading
  • Security agents are dispatched to protect customers, including victims of school violence and stalking and responding to labor-management disputes
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Most n offices nationwide

Large law firm closest to customer Daeryun will be by your side.

A law firm that can ask for help whenever you need it

  • The largest number of branches in Korea, operating n offices nationwide
  • Wherever you are in the country, your nearest professional lawyer will respond immediately
  • We maintain the quality of case defense in each region across the country by overseeing cases from our headquarters in Seoul

A limited law firm that met only 4%

  • Qualifications of limited law firms, which are only 4% of the more than 1,500 law firms
  • Registration as a limited corporation is possible only when the number of lawyers and the size of the capital are met
  • Implementing a 'lawyer liability system' that guarantees compensation for damages in the event of a defense error
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Consultation and emergency response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

When you're desperate for a lawyer's help, The door to the wheel is always open.

  • A professional lawyer immediately conducts legal counseling on weekends and holidays as well as weekday evenings
  • A 24-hour response system is operated and a professional lawyer is immediately accompanied by an urgent police investigation
  • Operates a system that regularly reports the progress of events to customers
  • When requesting communication with a lawyer, a dedicated lawyer and team reply and communicate with customers 24 hours a day
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Introducing a reasonable fee scouting system

Get rid of unnecessary extra spending worries. We promise you a result that is not a waste of money.

  • Introduction of clear remuneration standards and fee scouting system
  • No unnecessary litigation incidental expenses and absolutely no additional expenditure
  • No cost disputes since the provision of legal services, increasing customer satisfaction
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Customer satisfaction built on trust

A law firm that takes care of the hearts of customers who are tired of the incident, We will repay you with excellent results to customers who trusted you.

  • A customer communication system that informs the customer of the progress of the incident before asking
  • Support the mental care program of a professional psychological counselor upon customer request
  • Thorough follow-up management even after the closing of the lawsuit increases customer satisfaction